"Being A Fly..."How did you pick what you wore to work -today? Pre-think each item and JUST how -it would 'work' (or not) with the others? What determ..
Sitting, meandering through life... looking out a subway car's window... transit bus...freeway, highway... dirt road... driveway as you lean back and ..
I was asked to bring a few thoughts back to daylight...The "Patterns Of Our Existence..." shiftminute-by-minute, day-by-day - though the wordsjust rep..
"Dominoes..."I didn't whisper your name in my sleep...thought a bitwandered a bit...gazed out my inner window - a bit...but I didn't whisper your name..
A lil 25+ mile walk on a 'way-more-than-merely-toasty' day. packs and gear, quick pace, a bit-higher-than-hills, desolate as hell... a good substitut..