


I understand the FEAR being experienced out here - the uncertainty - the worry... but don't hurt others because of it - that isn't right or fair.

Lansing, MI
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About Me

"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.

"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020

I'm back and working on. I've been otherwise occupied for a bit. Thanks for pausing with me and I do hope you know how grateful I am/was for each moment you guys shared with me. Take care and Blessed Be."

"Snow is a natural wonder... and an oft appreciated moment of childishness." - Chris

"Reality is always the next version of "lifeware" we download." But the "Terms of Service" can be a real biatch - chuckling here.

"Life is our perception ...I wonder how life perceives me." - Chris

Having a chance to interact with you all has been a life's dream and an honor. I thank each and every one of you for pausing with me... sharing thoughts and being. you KNOW how appreciated you are and have been.

"Blessed Be..."

Lazing the time for a bit. Will catch up as I can.
Chapter 4 of "Walking The World A Bit..." is now up - more will come.

You CAN ALWAYS ask me to read any specific work via a direct message.

Please, if you would like me to read and then comment on what I think of someone else's work - then msg me with the link to it and short reason why. Thanks guys.

The hair AND beard are quite real, a Renaissance Gentleman that still wears 'steel' both inside and out. I'm a poet by conscious choice.

I do bite, but not meanly - so if you care to look - you can. I add those that ask as friends and DO speak with them.

I prefer 'freeverse' as my method of expression AND talking WITH rather than AT. My style is succinctly my own as are my views... but I do listen. Please comment on any of my 'works' however you want - shy I'm not, I've been a Poet for a long, long time.

Through the years I have been published electronically at a variety of E-zines and have posted to many web sites and newsgroups.


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Posted 4 Days Ago

THANKS... TAKE CARE...................

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Posted 4 Days Ago

Be safe .. smile.. there is still life ahead..xo

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Posted 1 Month Ago

HANG ON.. BE WARM............................ HUGS..

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Posted 2 Months Ago


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Posted 2 Months Ago


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Posted 2 Months Ago

SO HAPPY TO KNOW...............XOXO

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Posted 2 Months Ago

HAPPY NEW YEAR........................ IF YOU BE.

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Posted 6 Months Ago


Nice job Jazz!!!

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Posted 11 Months Ago


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Posted 1 Year Ago

Cold and Windy...heater on..Take Care.