About Me
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been otherwise occupied for a bit. Thanks for pausing with me and I do hope you know how grateful I am/was for each moment you guys shared with me. Take care and Blessed Be."
"Snow is a natural wonder... and an oft appreciated moment of childishness." - Chris
"Reality is always the next version of "lifeware" we download." But the "Terms of Service" can be a real biatch - chuckling here.
"Life is our perception ...I wonder how life perceives me." - Chris
Having a chance to interact with you all has been a life's dream and an honor. I thank each and every one of you for pausing with me... sharing thoughts and being. ...now you KNOW how appreciated you are and have been.
"Blessed Be..."
Lazing the time for a bit. Will catch up as I can.
Chapter 4 of "Walking The World A Bit..." is now up - more will come.
You CAN ALWAYS ask me to read any specific work via a direct message.
Please, if you would like me to read and then comment on what I think of someone else's work - then msg me with the link to it and short reason why. Thanks guys.
The hair AND beard are quite real, a Renaissance Gentleman that still wears 'steel' both inside and out. I'm a poet by conscious choice.
I do bite, but not meanly - so if you care to look - you can. I add those that ask as friends and DO speak with them.
I prefer 'freeverse' as my method of expression AND talking WITH rather than AT. My style is succinctly my own as are my views... but I do listen. Please comment on any of my 'works' however you want - shy I'm not, I've been a Poet for a long, long time.
Through the years I have been published electronically at a variety of E-zines and have posted to many web sites and newsgroups.