To hell with them. Will they give me 2 lakhs extra to spend on a bigger hatch back. Will they foot my high petrol bills if I purchase a bigger car. Wi..
For time immemorial, since my childhood, the inferiority of Bollywood has been a part of my psyche due to a naturally conditioned response arising out..
tanagar is a fantastic place and it is worth visiting between oct to april, when the weather remains pleasant. Tourists require a inner line permit to..
No country, on mother earth, that professes and endeavors to be explicitly and overtly mono-cultural and one-dimensional , can achieve a world standin..
he book is unputdownable till the last 10 pages. The relationship between Gopal and his father is very sensitively handled by Chetan. All of us born b..
A Screenplay by Border
History can only be appreciated retrospectively. The established film critics of this country have given reports ranging 2 to 2.5 stars to this David..
As soon as you put on your shoes to go for a party or shopping, does your dog show episodes of intensive barking, vocalization, uncontrolled urinatio..
Next time you bump along the strategically placed pot holes on the abysmal roads at a snail’s pace, don’t curse your fate. Our lives will ..
A powerful book written by me that will make failed students taste success.
Picture this. A perpendicular ice-wall. The wind is howling like a banshee. The body is at its last ebb. The ears hear nothing. The tired muscles feel..