Analae : Writing

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Analae

A knock sounded on the door outside of Micheal's door. After getting no answer, the knock sounded again, harder, waited a moment then continued on,..
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Analae

what has Sarah gotten Micheal into?
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Analae

Micheal gets a little more than he bargains for
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Analae

Micheal wakes up to the sound of a girl
My Monster

My Monster

A Story by Analae

This is a musing that I had. I think it fits with most of us.
Love, Tears, and Pain

Love, Tears, and Pain

A Poem by Analae

This was written a long time ago. Its when I lost my grandfather.
Jester in a King's Court

Jester in a King's Court

A Story by Analae

What happens when one never leaves the boundaries of their existence to explore "What else is out there?"
Society of Puppets

Society of Puppets

A Poem by Analae

Puppets in the hands of government
Love Neverlasting

Love Neverlasting

A Poem by Analae

What happens to your heart when you break up?


A Poem by Analae

I was feeling alone. I had not yet found true love