I've just finished reading two notes by 2 incredibly different and wonderful women describing completely different , difficult issues.........and stil..
You were my dangermy angermy longing.You were my shelter from all that was good.from all that was my past .With you - I did not fear. I longed for hur..
To you I give myself-completely.Nothing shall I withholdTo you alone, will I give all- my longings, my soul.I am but a shadow of what you think you se..
Friend of her life, lover of her soul.In his arms she is special- he completes her , makes herfeel whole.Friend of her life, lover of her soul.A lover..
I could never lose the memoryof dreams that could not be.I will never lose the images offantasies I used to set me free.Memories become teachersto sho..
In the corners of my hearton the pages of my memory.I've softly tucked away one thereI handle it carefully, gently.A page I've lined with tenderness-e..
I am frightened of the mirror that gazes into my soul.It reveals all of of my heartaches-ones I bury way down low.It reveals all of the memories that ..
Teddy , A teddy bear with a painted smile-he never turns away.You can hug him, kiss him, hit him,he never goes away.He listens when you want to talk,c..
Many friends are as water puddles after a gentle, warm summer rain. Their reflections are real and you know them well. After a time, the pools dry and..
After viewing the Pearl Harbor memorial my heart was moved.