A Screenplay by Amy~
Writers craft assignment. THAT I AM SO HAPPY TO BE FINISHED Q.Q First time doing a script.
A Poem by Amy~
I've been reading Hamlet in class, and I really love Opheila's character. Thus, I decided to write an English Sonnet from Ophelia's point of view whil..
A Poem by Amy~
This is my found poem. I used various lines from a favourite manga of mine called Heart No Kuni Alice, and lyrics from Owl City's Fireflies, Katy Perr..
A Story by Amy~
For Writers Craft. The plot probably won't be understood. This is just an activity I had to do. It has to do with a novel I'm working on.
A Poem by Amy~
White complexion, Dotted freckles, imperfection Orange hair mixed with red A heart filled with hurt and dread Happiness isn't a common feeling A frown..
A Poem by Amy~
A leaf falls with a reflected glow, From the sun that sets below, The autumn sky, that marks the end, Of summer, and a new season starts to begin. The..
A Poem by Amy~
A flame flickers on, a cigarette is lit I can't see through the haze of smoke from where I sit. What happened to the playground where we used to play..
A Poem by Amy~
This tree understands my sorrow, It's been watered by my tears. It's heard every tale I've had to tell And knows my deepest fears. I've buried all my ..