About Me
Hello, I’m J. Alton Henry and I am a published author (three poems in the mid 90’s). I am pretty excited to hop back in the saddle again.
My favorite genres to read are fantasy, horror, folklore, and historical biographies. Occasionally I’ll read westerns, sci-fi, and many, many, years ago have read a few Harlequin romances… for research?
I am currently working on my fantasy pentalogy as well as fantasy shorts in the same world. I will post some of those here as well as horror shorts and Haiku.
In my leisure time I enjoy watching foreign films and tv shows (including animation), mostly coming out of Asia like Japan, S Korea, and China. There are some shows from Europe I enjoy as well.
I’m always welcome to the idea of being used as a springboard for other writers ideas. So if you have a story idea bounce em my way and I’ll give honest feedback.