All 2 Silly : Writing

The Old Moon

The Old Moon

A Poem by All 2 Silly

Free verse


A Poem by All 2 Silly

Another silly one
The Dandelion

The Dandelion

A Poem by All 2 Silly

A silly poem


A Poem by All 2 Silly

Free verse
The Flower Lady

The Flower Lady

A Poem by All 2 Silly

A Truth
I Did Not Care for Science

I Did Not Care for Science

A Poem by All 2 Silly

I Did Not Care For Science I did not care today for science lepidoptera thorax, forewing, antennae and proboscis iris sanguinea ..
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Like This...

A Poem by All 2 Silly

Like This... Hair as frail and white as the last breath of a dandelion bentas she moves ever so slowly withgreat pain findsoccasional coins..