A bartered darkof full shone armoursgallowed brooks inshins of aldertrod the clays of stilted copsethat crest the low slung chestnut ridesTo inglenook..
I would swearwe are the last of our kind,blinkered end-time visionariesperhaps.Implausible romanticsshaping formlessideology with exhaustedsensibiliti..
a time ago, I used to self-medicate- alcohol being the main drug of choice- I remember being amazed at how something taken from a bottle would warm my..
emerging from sleep, I heard a Blackbird on the rooftop, and I could have sworn I heard it flute the words "San Salvador"...
When the ol' Black Dog comes calling, I find that a walk down to the water somehow restores the balance.
Lost leaves ago, beforethe bark- clad savageruled with iron lung,whenlaurels ofa one- room den, grewsleek with wet- lid plundermy sauntering in tousle..
I found myself smiling,a telescope finding myown private Jupitercooped in the nooseof a bulbYes,its stupid to measure in hope--this I knowbut I’..
We drowned here today...Sluiced along curious Holloways papered in shell.We knew few colours by name,Yet saw how they merged, circled, embraced,to swe..
Peered through the ideal imageryof petty dream-spun avenues.Brushed the quiet tides that rosein fluid blends of milky down.The clamour of the Westboun..
The time of the shining ofWind-summered grasses, has passed,-To the lark-breast mottle-The harvested skin of theSenescent landThe candle-snatch gutter..