The sun had reached its peak, casting a warm glow over the forest as Dustytail emerged from the nursery. Her eyes were haunted, her movements slow and..
Will contain death and blood, but other than that, great for all ages!
Also can you guys please review if you can I'd love to hear your opinions!
This a poem about how you never noticed when you grew up before it was too late, and how you can hate yourself for ignoring the chances you could've t..
This story was majorly inspired by the song "Rocking Horse" by Melanie Martinez (its really good)
Vincent, Ashley, and Liam were sitting in bean bag chairs in Ashley's attic, screaming at each other as they threw potato chips and in-game punches. "..
Sorry it's really bad, will contain spoilers for Hazbin Hotel (and may not be totally correct lol)
This story may and will contain: -Abuse-Death-Blood-Disturbing Imagery-R@pe-Mentions of self-harm-Cursing-etc.NOT FOR READERS UNDER THE AGE OF TWELVE
Peter looks up from his paperwork as William enters, his eyes widening at the sight of the small, trembling black-haired girl named Raven Howards, who..
Mr. Jones sat at his desk, tired eyes rested on the papers in front of him. The weight of the tragedy hangs over him like a heavy shroud. He stares at..
Deja Vu strikes William as he enters Peter's office. Peter, sitting at his desk, head in his hands. A young, but tall, black hair girl scrunched up in..