A thick, white cord hangs loosely from my right wrist.It's tied tight to my body to prevent any slips.The end on the floor of this white space is fra..
The reality of your leaving has sunken in,like the knife you planted in my skull. Like a flower full of death,blooming in the crown of blood on my hea..
Expelling entities
Amassing quantities, of
Disposable figurines
What does that really mean?
Your faith in hate
You've come to embrace
That vio..
The rays of morning sun lay upon her faceHoneydew had entered our noses.On this field we lay from night, 'till dawn's break
Love being anything but c..
Bodies grimly hang from trees
On strings, like leaves in the summer.
Lives ended with scribbled notes
Nailed to dead wood hastily.
Twisted corp..
Spitting curses at innocent people
Demonic verses demolish this steeple
The churches fill with hypocrites
Hate runs wild, all the while I sit
Beneath the rocks and above the boiling
Center of the earth
A large cave sits, the mornings rays
Never touching her
Alone it's mouth swallows ba..
In the dark of late fall
I found myself walking
I gave out a call
Fell to my knees, beginning to crawl
Maturity I lacked, and
My ignorance ..