I Know My Words Will Never Feel The Same To You,And I Know The Pain I Caused You.Every Tear That Down His Soft Pure Face,And The Guilt It Made.With A ..
I honestly doubt you go on my wall now, its been so long.. i miss you. I Do you left this effect on me, and i know you know it. I'm sorry. .-. i just ..
I'll never be happy again,i know you said we can just be friends. But its hurt's to even understand,what really happening. Oh, why was it to be me. Wh..
okay so im going to write you a storyonce there was a sexyhippo,he was my sexyhippoand a dangonfly ate my sexyhipposo i killed the dragonflymand the d..
Dear Bluee.I
first off wanted to say, I've known you for basically 1 years and out
of those 1 years you're one of the most amazing girls I've ever..
Dear bubbles Jan20,2013This Suckks that we can see each other butttt we totes have to call each other like all the timeand when i'm 19 im gunna ask to..
Baby my love for you knows no bounds. I gave my words careful thought
while I was at my dads. And when I came back I found out what you
thought of..
You're so far awayyet you make my day.you really make me smile,when thinking of holding ..
these are letter -note's- writen for me hope you enjoy
Scars are simple marks on skin. They come from letting your emotions get the best of you. You either cut or burn. You try covering them, but they'r..