johnnyqueer : Writing

The phase continues.

The phase continues.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

My struggle between religion, and my lifestyle. Everyone told me it was just a phase, the phase continues.
Got you off.

Got you off.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

Confused again, misused again.


A Poem by johnnyqueer

I miss him. Blah blah blah.
My boy.

My boy.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

All the things she used to say, or should have said, or may say. It's hard when you feel as though your roots want nothing to do with you.
I feel better now.

I feel better now.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

Drunk, and relieved. My ghost will return tomorrow, but today I can breathe. I can breath.
Warmth, again.

Warmth, again.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

A voyage into my feelings, my new found hope.
Silence, far from golden.

Silence, far from golden.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

Your lack of discussion causes me discomfort.I invested feeling into you, gave you morethan I wanted to. The least you can do is speak, just say somet..
How to love.

How to love.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

Just another journey into another day, hoping things go right. Who knows though.
Lie here.

Lie here.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

The butterflies are back again. I'm both terrified, and excited... If only he could have stayed in my arms a little longer tonight.
Riding the wave again.

Riding the wave again.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

You're breaking down my walls,breaking me down. Back down,I have to breathe. Slow down,the confusion is crushing me.The fear is consuming me,I need yo..