This is just a episode that shows us the nie part of Matt and what he thinks of things aorund him
This contains the story about the world that our heroes have saved
Now the Harris family is reunited , Matt and Clara have a family reunion
In this episode , well , Matt ,is , you know what , check out yourself:)
In this season Jack is has to train to become a better magician nad he meets new people
In the same day that Matt will became normal he is seeing for the firsta time the dangerous world that is outside the house and is waiting for him aft..
Today Matt meets someone , a girl . And now his new adventure begin .
In this episode Matt has his revenge , and now after Eve will find a solution to break the virus Matt will be normal again , in the future maybe more ..
A new face is coming in town , and Jack brings back two people separated by fate back together . In this story Jack helps Adam to reunite with his sit..
Robert will understand that the hell is going on . Will Clara learn new things and Matt will have his revenge ? Find out in the next episode of Awake ..