Alexander Sedgewick : Writing

The Man in the Tower - Part III

The Man in the Tower - Part III

A Poem by Alexander Sedgewick

The tale continues after King Bill's near fatal experience. This time, the viewpoint shifts to the antagonist, the sadistic and cruel Prince Tom and h..
The Man in the Tower - Part II

The Man in the Tower - Part II

A Poem by Alexander Sedgewick

This amusing but tragic limerick tells the story of Bill after his dramatic exit from his tower. His exploits and adventures lead him to new realizati..
The Pet Preferential

The Pet Preferential

A Poem by Alexander Sedgewick

This is a witty short limerick that is pro-cat. Or is it?
The Man in the Tower

The Man in the Tower

A Poem by Alexander Sedgewick

This amusing but tragic limerick tells the story of a man trapped in a tower and within his own ever delusional mind.