Alexander Misery

Alexander Misery


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Adrian, MI
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About Me

I'm 18 and currently in the Army as an MP ( 31 Bravo ). I ship out in August to begin my large amount of training. I will be done in January if all goes well. I'm set to graduate high school soon and can't wait. I am going to get a 4 year degree in either psychology or Criminal Justice. Law Enforcement is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to either work for C.I.D., NCIS, or F.B.I. Bottom line is I want a good federal job that will be full of fun. I'm pretty laid back and get along with everyone. I love scary stuff, the colors black, green, blue, grey, and red are my favorite. They all go good with black. I'm morbid and love the Macabre and that is really all I can think of at this time.