Alexanne Dauntless

Alexanne Dauntless


Been a while.

Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am twenty-nine years old, and live in Dresden.

I consider myself a writer; not merely one who writes and creates because it’s fun, but because I have no other choice. It is a drive within me.
I suffered through a long period of writer's block, but now I'm going down a new path. I don't know where it will take me. I'm just letting the words fall as they come to me.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Ket, I don't know if you still use this site or not. This is Stephanie. I'm revamping what I left behind and it makes me sad we lost contact. I live in the same building as Ally and I asked her about you but I don't know if she ever relayed you my number. Hope you're doing well!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hm, well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But, just remember, if you don't like it, I'd advise you not to read it. ._.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

It's a mix between Dutch, and French, it's actually an old style of Old Dutch. ._. Which, if I may, you don't need to be so snooty about this, it's only creative writing.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hm, I'm sorry you feel that way, ._. That poem wasn't written in German... And I don't use translates...

~S. D. Blankenship

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Posted 14 Years Ago

OH HEY, look, you started reviewing stuff of mine again.

I didn't even realize you were back D: I sorta disappeared when everyone I knew and kindasorta talked to on this site left. I'm getting back into writing, and I'll for sure be getting back into reviewing soon.

If you're still around, I'd love to hear back from you!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey happy new year! hope 2011 goes great for you!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I'll be honest that was one of my unloved stories and i haven't reread it nor rewritten it for awhile. Thank you so much your comments are greatly appreaciated. I'll be proofreading it when the vodka runs out of my system. I had a blast last night at the New Year's party. I hope you have one too. A million thanks :D


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Ok i sent you one. Don't be too harsh I'm not as good as you. Grammar Nazis welcome too XD

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Posted 14 Years Ago

LMAO. I didn't mean grammar nazism in negative way. Ok maybe a bit. I'll still be a big fan i love the way you write. Your descriptions are so fluid and just right i wish i could write like that. I don't know about read requests tho i don't have much dark tales of rape and murder in my arsenal.

Ok maybe a bit

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Just so you know, I will review those things for you, just been very busy but I will get around to it when I have time :-)

Hope you've had a good christmas!