Elijah Donnersfield has been a telepath his whole life, or so he believed. Now he's doubting everything.
Mankind has asked, wondered, pondered,
thought, for always, are we alone? In the big, cold Universe, are we the only
conscious lifeforms? Anywhere?
Rhinella’s sky was always light, and
brilliant, brilliant red. Except for two minutes, at the end of each day, when
the two suns would hide be..
There are some ways in which Guardians
are similar to humans, but there are also lots of ways that they are different.
Both species have the same ba..
“Zeine! Get in here, boy, stop
Emperor Villard’s forehead was pulsing
again, Zeine noted with an anxious gulp. In th..
Imelie Capier was bored. She’d been
dragged along with her parents to the bloody Palace again; didn’t they know she
had better things to..
Thanks to their mutual love of
disobeying the rules, Zeine and Imelie soon became great friends, and meeting
up to watch the darkness together becam..
The Emperor of Rhinella is possibly the most powerful man in the Universe, and with great power comes great responsibility...
Prince Zeine, his only ..