Aldo kraas : Writing

Love will be all I need

Love will be all I need

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Trying to get to get to her

Trying to get to get to her

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Are we in the same page God

Are we in the same page God

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas


A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Down to the river

Down to the river

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I am not the one

I am not the one

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Friends I am afraid to lose you

Friends I am afraid to lose you

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I am not dreaming anymore

I am not dreaming anymore

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo kraas
I can't feel it

I can't feel it

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I never meant

I never meant

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas

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