Aldo kraas : Writing

I would  be lost without you God

I would be lost without you God

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
So what else is new?

So what else is new?

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas C
A dream to come true

A dream to come true

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I had emptied my heart

I had emptied my heart

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I had emptied my heart

I had emptied my heart

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is a new poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Now that she doesn't understand

Now that she doesn't understand

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Baby's blanket

Baby's blanket

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Love symphony

Love symphony

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is a new poem Written by Aldo Kraas
This Summer

This Summer

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Cabbage song

Cabbage song

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is a new poem Written by Aldo kraas

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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