Aldo kraas : Writing

Chalk soil

Chalk soil

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Blessed be your nane

Blessed be your nane

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Canto della terra

Canto della terra

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
You sad good bye

You sad good bye

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Can I have a moment to myself ?

Can I have a moment to myself ?

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Can we try rhapsody

Can we try rhapsody

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
A love song

A love song

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Not that kind of flowers please

Not that kind of flowers please

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Bless the Fall

Bless the Fall

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
The black zone

The black zone

A Poem by Aldo kraas

That is old poem Written by Aldo Kraas