there's a hole in my head where the wounds of reason seep, alls gone 'n dead inside my head, what's left is dark 'n deep.
rushing inference, imminent insight
suddenly its clear, a gut feeling
swooning, reeling,
cross-connected hemi-sphere
syncopated, reverberated, tot..
collective nouns
waddya call a group of ironic poets?
a brood --
waddya call a group of absurdists?
a happening --
open heart
in sigh'd of me through the windy tree flow'd to the sea where you'll be
Here we are dancing while counting while singing a heart song called a Zykir making reflections so clear, we're turning, turning toward the infinite i..
for the EMO ones
-- from stars we come to stars we shall return, this ancient ache of longing urging us to burn, to shine on 'n on from inside out, where illumination ..
9 8 9 syllable count with 4 elements as strophes
so this is rapp'd as a solid lead on getting us through what wounded reason calls the burden of proof --
writeous -- it's my first Meti's rap song