Language is what leaks from the mind, the mind is what leaks from the brain, the brain is what leaks from the senses and the senses are leaking all th..
our heroes are conflicted, hanging cross-wise ,riddled with choices,
pock-marks on their skin, topographically hardened by the spirit of humanity
imagine cunning-less as the base of it, your wet with over-flowed inspirations blissinging up yur' 'lectrikly splined spine making you feel an infinit..
in infinite darkness
an ancient ache cried out
from which came many tears
and so they became
lights in the firmament;
stars in the night!
in our measure of time
there are curious circles filling our days,
numbered moments marked by the scars of transiting lights,
heavens moguls o..
"The center is everywhere. Bent is the path of eternity." -- Nietzsche
the terrorism behind romance
the mobious reader 'n writer sees meme's 'n murmurs 'n twitters 'n tweets everywhere: a sort of ZeitGeistian serendipity
wherever you go, where you've been follows along
doubt is the heart killer