Every friday prayer we listen to our cleric
As he clarifies to us what may be esoteric
With his wisdom he drives people hysteric
We all sit down on..
What do we do when we lose our way?
When we suffer severely every day
When our minds and hearts walk away
When our lives become a tragic play
They say a man never cries
well, thats one of our s****y lies
Since We weep so hard when a loved one dies
When after a while, in a casket he lies..
Wandering alone in this empty land
Speaking a tongue you only understand
All their faces buried in the sand
Amidst the dust and dark alone you sta..
Lucky I am to be a female
In oppression's sea I get to sail
Injustice I get to inhale
My body availabe at a retail,
Oh I forgot, dont miss the sa..
Freedom of Speech,
A Goal Forbidden to reach,
Maybe illegal to teach,
In World that aims to preach,
Morals in need of a bleach.
By Oppression ..
Hands are tied behind my back
Blindfolded, so all is black
Mouth I promised to close
And in every picture pose
With a corpse and write eloquent pr..
One time, Mind wished to ask,
'Oh Idiocy what exactly is your task?
Idiocy had a simple reply
That did nothing to Mind but stupify,
My task is mer..