Albert Freeman : Writing

G L O S S A R Y of P E O P L E

G L O S S A R Y of P E O P L E

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

glossary of people in the book (work in progress of course)
Chapter 14: When Fortune Changes

Chapter 14: When Fortune Changes

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Corden has a brush with mysterious figures and finds himself drawn directly into the intrigue that now stalks the empire.
So much to see

So much to see

A Poem by Albert Freeman

How I Feel

How I Feel

A Poem by Albert Freeman

The Rambling Random Tale of Jack

The Rambling Random Tale of Jack

A Book by Albert Freeman

Not really a book, but what the hey, ya know.
Chapter 1: Jack the Mighty

Chapter 1: Jack the Mighty

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Jack's Tale begins
Chapter 2: Amanda's Idol

Chapter 2: Amanda\'s Idol

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Amanda's story begins.
Chapter 3: Jack's Wondering Thoughts

Chapter 3: Jack\'s Wondering Thoughts

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Jack alone to ponder.
Chapter 4: Dreams Do Come True

Chapter 4: Dreams Do Come True

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Jack meets his fantasy girl.
Chapter 5: Jack At Work

Chapter 5: Jack At Work

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Jack goes into the pot