Alan S Jeeves

Alan S Jeeves


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West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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About Me

I live among the Pennine Hills near Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, England. I was, though, born in Nelson, Lancashire., England.
My days are spent writing, arranging and playing music - and also writing poetry.
I have played (electric) guitar for many years and I own a collection of these instruments dating back to the 1960's. When asked why I have so many I explain that I intend to sell them all when I grow up.
I play all kinds of music but I am frequently requested to play with people who specialise in 1960's era music. With regards to poetry I like to write work inspired by nature although I work with other themes also.
I am often accused of being too 'old fashioned' or too 'traditional' but I am able to take it on the chin.
"Some people see a great deal and some see very little in the same things" - Thomas Henry Huxley.
I particularly enjoy J.R. Kipling and my favourite poem must be his 'The Way Through the Woods'.
I don't have any regrets except the one. I would have liked to have written 'Red, red rose', however, R. Burns beat me to it. (I don't seem to be able to find a way to forgive him for that).

Pseudonym: ASJ