En quoi m'aviez vous convertie,
Vous, croyant m'étouffer en m'enterrant...
Vous, qui me fixiez de vos yeux pervers,
Voulant sous tous pr&eac..
Sweet sweet face, let me see your sweet face
Bless me oh bless me, I'm in need of your grace
Both hands lifted up, I cry in all your glory
Let me..
Moonlit nights, moonlit nights
The whole world is asleep
While I wake and gossip with the stars.
Gazing, gazing at them,
Breaks my hope and you ..
For the first time in ages,
Did I feel this way
I kept myself all alone
And found me pondering
Why am I so worried now
To finally confess?
What my life has always been searching for
Is this where I stand, is here where I drop my anchor?
Should I peacefully stop here and hail to the sky,..
Does the night, more than the day, have charm?Shame on those who sigh not a bit when they see a black sky twinklingShame on those who know not how pre..
The black widowerCrawling in a web of veinsA revenge, he'll take!
Feed not on my woes,For then I shall eat your soul.Breed my heart with joy!
The claws of the night pierced the cloudsAnd bled them til they wept.Where the wind performed his Tandav,The leaves struggled to keep their breaths!Th..
The warmth of Helios fondled my skinThough I wished for Eos instead!A summer sea breeze got hold of meWhile I rather waited for a gush of rain!I strol..