A short poem about hiding feelings
"Why is there a 6-year-old child at Harvard?"
This is a story that I have only told your mother, father and Mall; Lyall only knows a small part, it isn't something I am comfortable talking about o..
Mallory is a tiny genius, at the age of 15 he is still only 4 foot tall but he's already at college. His life made more difficult by his blindness, t..
A short 500-word story about how a simple helping hand can turn around a troubled life.
A short 500-word story about how a simple helping hand can turn around a troubled life.
Do you have a phobia?
Most people are scared of something it could be spiders, the dark, heights, dogs; there are pretty common fears, most peopl..
>>Roses PoV<<It had been a week since I had been stabbed, the right side of my face still covered in bandages but today I was told I had t..
I was back at the hospital to see the facial specialist, he removed my bandage and took a look at my face, I knew that it was healed, but I was worrie..
I finally had my surgery 6 months after the incident and began to feel more like myself, I started looking after myself again and talked to a few frie..