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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

My story begins with an anonymous act of love from an unnamed woman. The local authorities in Seoul, Korea found an abandoned baby placed in a box with a note that read: “Please take care of my little girl as I cannot.”

My birth mother believed I would have a better life if I were adopted by another family. Her decision to surrender motherhood has left an imprint on every moment of my life.

I write because I want to share my endless series of mistake and missteps, lessons learned from personal and professional stumbles, and a bit of wisdom gained with each acquired birthday with those who may be experiencing the very same experiences, insecurities, thoughts, and fears I have wrestled with since I was old enough to ask, why?

In many ways, we all experience adoption. We adopt relationships, careers, communities, political viewpoints, and core values to define who we are in this world.

At the end of my days, I hope my story adopted a legacy of love with few regrets. My hope is for those I have wronged or hurt, they will feel my remorse. My hope is for all those whom I have loved, they only memories filled with laughter and joy remain.

And it is my hope with my last breath I will know I did the best I could to be the person I was meant to be in this wonderful world.