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About Me

I'm Kayleigh. AKA; Aikaterine, Kay, Gingi.

I'm a professional photographer and a hobbyist writer.

[Will update this in time.]


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Send kindness

Send a little kindness out into the world today. And it will grow. The kindness you give never goes away. The more you give, the more you have.
Genuine kindness is one of the best investments you can make. For your return on the investment of kindness has no limit.

Even when it seems that others don't appreciate the kindness you offer, it has much value. Though it may not be noticed at first, true kindness cannot continue to be ignored for long.

In kindness, there is a power, a level of confidence and self assurance that is difficult to deny. Even when all else has failed, kindness can make a difference precisely because it speaks with such strength.

Send a little kindness out into the world today. And you'll create real value that cannot be denied.

-- Ralph Marston