Eye to eye with Dragon, will Lilith survive?
This is only shot introduction to book only to show in what direction will book be creat and ofcourse to show that there are religius topic, so before..
Was was before time? Is there darkness or is it light?
Adam and Lilith( Garden of Eden)
When people fights, that can effect on lot of stuff, but when fight concern a first humans, that can change a course of history for everything and ev..
Rebellion among the Ange, new world is about to get create but with what cost?
Lilith is in real danger, but does is that danger in front of her, or is comming outside.
Lilith is alone, Dragon is missing everything goes wrong.What will happend?
Dragon is dead, Lilith find herself eye to eye with his murder, Who is he? What is he? What does he want? What will Lililth do?
Was dragon keeping secret, who was Asmodeus to him, what will Lilith find out?