About MeNo amount of words will ever explain me adequately. So, instead, I will tell you what little needs to be known.
I both take my writing seriously and I don't take it seriously at all. I will never give out my real name. Not now, not ever. You know it, I probably know you in real life. In that case, HELLO PEOPLE I KNOW! When I can get it to work, I upload mostly to deviantart. It's my comfort zone and I know some people there. My characters are mine and mine alone. I will never "borrow" somebody's character, least not without permission. I keep to meself mostly BUT I won't be rude if you contact me unless you give me ample reason to be. I have a yahoo email that I check about twice a day. Soooo, if you have need of me, I am easiest to contact at [email protected] so that is also an option. |