Aethereal : Writing



A Poem by Aethereal

Adriana is lost at sea when her caravel sinks in a storm.
Mighty Mouse

Mighty Mouse

A Poem by Aethereal

After reading some antique Mighty Mouse comic books, I was inspired to write this poem.


A Poem by Aethereal

Evil is often seen as a guiding light.
Dresden's Midnight Raven

Dresden's Midnight Raven

A Poem by Aethereal

This poem was written for The Raven Contest. The title says it all.


A Poem by Aethereal

This is a poem that I wrote about Nature for a contest whereby I relate Nature to life.
Wild Card Love

Wild Card Love

A Poem by Aethereal

It's about a broken relationship.
Bee & Flower & Sun

Bee & Flower & Sun

A Poem by Aethereal

A relationship between a flower and a bee.


A Poem by Aethereal

This is a poem for a contest where only five of nine words given needed to be used. I used eight of the nine words given. Armageddon speaks for itsel..
Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

A Poem by Aethereal

This is a poem about the Summer Solstice inspired by Shakespear's Sonnet 18.
Fatale Attraction

Fatale Attraction

A Poem by Aethereal

A poems about a girl's obsession with Death.