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About Me

Update 21/02/2008
So after finally getting around to restoring some of my work, I realised that I'm offically crap at matching up reviews to the original pieces. Sorry if some of the reviews aren't coherent with the work itself, I tried my hardest. :P
Anyways, keep an eye out for more work soon.

Update! 03/12/2007
As I'm all the way over in the UK and I don't get to message everyone a lot, I'm going to be setting up a Skype profile tonight when I get home. If any of you lovely people want to talk about writing or just have a righteous banter like a bunch of Keroac's over Esspesso!

Sweet irony!

I join up to a Writers Community and I freaking HATE typing these things up. :P

Well fine then. For years now I've been trying to identify my one creative outlet and well lets face it, it's been an up-hill struggle.
My problem, to sum it up, would be that I had too many ideas that had no medium to be translated to. Though I consider myself a creative soul, I have no academic or relative experience in any field that would support these ever-expanding ideas.
I can't draw to save my life, I'm pretty mediocre at Photoshop and give me a paintbrush and I'll give you a blob of oily-mush on a canvas.

So, writing it IS then!

I decided to take up writing as a serious thing to help vacate some of the plotlines and characters that threatened to split my psyche in half. Yes, psyche. I felt like I was going nuts.
So after being pulled into the whole MySpace universe, to both help with the mental load and to win extra 'cool' points with some of my far far more creative of friends, I started to write on my blog.
There was one story in particular that stuck with me though. It had prevailing qualities and a steady flow to it that made me decide to progress it on from a short story to a full blown book. This book is now in the stages of being written up.
Lately though, I've hit a 'boulder in the road' so to speak.
This is why I'm here. I found out about this place through someone on Yahoo! Answers. Looks like I might stay a while.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

So when is your big move to Meddico? Schucks, life is peachy. That is my sarcasm. Unemployed this week. Tax season is over. Just had some surgery so I am going to wait a couple of weeks before I look for work. There is a good chance that my old employer may call me back to work. I think I will send you a private message to gripe! lol sorry nothing personal.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Stopping by just to say hi....hope all is well. brie

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Give me a holler if your around today. Brie

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, how ya doing? I walked away from the laptop for a bit to move furniture. It seems I have nothing better to do. lol Moving my books into the office. Today is my day off from work. Yesterday was my birthday. Went to dinner with friends Saturday night to celebrate. Did you go home to visit yet?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha no problem; i do the same :)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey!!! Yeah I'm back! Hows it going? Do you want me to review any specific piece you've written lately? let me know


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there, friend! Thanks for the note and the offer of help :-). Yes, still working on that dream, but it's fading too rapidly. I think I'll have to concentrate on the other poem that wants birthing. Maybe by then the dream will repeat itself.

Hope you're well. Haven't heard from you in a while. So you're moving, eh? Hope you like it warm!

More soon -- Blessings!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

So how was your weekend? Thanks for the travel advice, I'll try and follow it as best I can. Where else have you traveled to? My dream has always been to go to Belgium, something about the culture and language ha always attracted me. Maybe someday I'll finally get to go, who knows.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

mmm, Mexico, that's one destination that I'll have to go to one day also. You must have traveled around england a bit (since you reside there :) which location should I start off with? Have you ever been to Wales or Scotland?