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Big Water, UT
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About Me

Hey, check it out. The name's Lexi. Lexi House. I'm a small town girl, living out in nearly the boondocks area of life ^^ but hey I call it home. I'm a real sweet girl who loves to write and can't wait to enter college so I can be a fullblown author. I major in English in Highschool cus I'm such a nerd that way. I can make friends with almost anyone and can write about nearly everything if I really set my mind to it. I'll be 17 on Sept. 22nd, and I'm dying to drive my first car. My favorite colors are pink, purple, and black, depending on the day. I'm the pessimistic type, always driving my friends nuts with the latest "dull side" news of life. When you get me into a full blown conversation I can go on for hours till someone stops me. When I'm with my bestest friend, Jordyn, I can be as random as a lion in pajamas. I'm fun, talkative, and totally random. My interests in books are Romance, Mystery, Mythical, Action, and a little Gore ^^ I'm a tom-boy at times and others a total Valley Girl. I don't mind roughing out in the dirt or winning my own fight with my fists if it comes to that. I'm strong, giggly, and a real happy person. If you wanna talk or even read one of my stories, the idea would make me soar, 'cause I'd love to hear from you and get some feed back-negative or positive- that could help me better myself. I hope to one day publish a book in honor of my family, and it is true, family is usually your biggest, bestest friends you can have all your life ^^


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Posted 13 Years Ago

OF course ^^ id hate to loose or even have the thought that someone else has thoughts of what would happen if they died. Its just sad either way >< good friends like you guys are so hard to get yknow? especially ones with so much talent ^^

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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks for the review ^^

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Posted 14 Years Ago

58 read requests *cracks her knuckles* lets get down to awesomeness and read um all. Im gunna enjoy each one ^^

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Posted 14 Years Ago

See I want to make my chapters really long....lucky! yup pals lol. It's fine take your time I don't mind :D I started a whole buncha books and stuff -_-

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Posted 14 Years Ago

lol i dont got a twin on this website ^^. and hey ha-ha i'll be ur twin ^^ I wouldn't mind one bit. We're pals righ? haha and yay i finnally finished the prologue to spirit walking. damn i worked on it the whole time i've been on the computer today. wrote seven pages of it. pretty long i think. but hey idk. and hey i hope to get around to your read requests sorry for not gettin to them sooner but i havent been on the computer in a long time. today was like once in this whole week on writers cafe lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha! Man! Why does everyone have a twin on this website? I want a twin -_-

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Posted 14 Years Ago

^^ haha. The coolest huh? hehe yeah i guess. Though. im not tempted at all to leave. atm im actually trying to get my car registered and such just so i can go visit my twin. she seems a little down and i wanted to surprise her and take her for a ride. seems my little plan right now

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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha true yeah, I want to leave this place, but I like it :D lol yeah your right we'd be the coolest -_- lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

nah its ok. Its still cool how u found me though ^^ we'd make pretty cool friends if I lived there. lol of course idk if you wanna get outta there or not. *shrugs* I like where im at ^^ and I'm pretty happy. And hey if i wanna talk and ur computers bein a pain we could always talk on here ^^

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm sorry! For some reason Facebook not letting me get on the website, it like loads, but the page is completely white -_-