Adept : Writing

Lost Memories of an Assassin

Lost Memories of an Assassin

A Story by Adept

About a guy that is going to become a killer who kills people who work for a certain company. A lot more story to go into for this to flesh out more b..
Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

A Poem by Adept

Another little short from years ago, I know what a name to pick for it to be shadowed by. Hope you enjoy this other sad lonely romantic poem from a yo..
The One Thing

The One Thing

A Poem by Adept

Something old but until I find or finish some of the new stuff I thought I'd add some old stuff so my page wouldn't look so empty.
Broken Angel

Broken Angel

A Poem by Adept

About a girl I once liked but who's pasted haunted her to the point that she secluded herself from the world, love, and happiness.