Adam McWhorter

Adam McWhorter


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Montgomery, AL
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About Me

Hello. My name is Adam McWhorter. I'm a poet, singer-songwriter, and self-obsessed scrawler...

I used to publish poetry on this website about 2 years ago, but after the "crash" when alot of good writers lost their work- comments, reviews, etc... I gave up on the site. My poems "The Kiss" and "Allegro Con Brio" were both "Featured Poems" and I was a relatively popular writer on this forum. I was devestated when all my work and their reviews were lost and didn't care to resubmit anything.

Since 2007, my life has seen more than its fair share of ups and downs... The most recent highlight being the publication of my first book of poems called "The Piano".

"The Piano" is 164-pages of angsty, erotic, and shockingly confessional goodness; published under my own record label/production company Mink Stole Productions, in 2010. More than a few of the poems (plus one short story) originally appeared on this very website... So I thought it fitting to resubmit some of these works for nostalgic reasons, I suppose.

I hope to reconnect with old friends and maybe even sell a few books while I'm at it... Who knows? I wonder if anyone will even remember me, Lol. I doubt I will rise to my former glory of '07, but I thought it would still be nice to reconnect with this community :)


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Posted 14 Years Ago

To You My Friend- a beautiful, fulfilling and creative year ahead.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Aww... Thanks Grace :) Well... if by bookstore you mean amazon, lulu, or google books... then awesome :) lol. I self published the thing with the help of a graphic designer friend of mine who had published some things for his clients. I GREATLY reduced the price of it if you get it on, on the other sites it's 9.99 (down from the 14.99 it's been)... But you get another 20% off at Lulu, making it only 7.99... Jesus Christ, I sound like a goddamn infomercial. Lmao. Oh I forgot the last big zinger... Lol... If you go to Lulu you'll see a link where you can actually download the whole thing for your kindle or whatever s****y new over-priced technology you prefer, I'm not sure how that works. All else fails, you can download it free straight to your PC. I didn't tell anyone i'd made it free for download this month... Still hoping SOMEONE will buy the damn hard copies. I swear, getting your friends and fam to actually buy a book you wrote is like pulling teeth. Don't self publish. Lol... I'm going to make the download $5 again Jan 1st... So you can get it that way if you don't wanna buy s**t online. Long winded today it seems. Lol... Thanks again sweetie :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Modest much?
Anyone who has ever read anything you've written isn't going to forget you, my dear!

...and know that I'll be keeping you in mind the next time I get lucky enough to stop buy the book store!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Just thought I would stop and say hello! Hope all is well with you!!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Are you back?!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Welcome to the gang! I ask that the first piece u submit to the group be the work that's recieved the most views (pre-post crash)- whether we like it or not lol just a fun thing...any submission after that is all up to u.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

well, it's a lot of pressure, coming up with a great refrain - because like I said, a poem depends so much on it - and not everyone is Dylan Thomas lol just something to think about. I was tempted to tell u to insert some similes/metaphors, but the stripped down version u have is harsher, and that works too. U should compare ur "Coda" with my "Joints" to see what a difference(better or worse) some similes/metaphor can make -

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey darlin...I knew you would like Rendering...I have got it so bad for this boy....Hes my butterfly, my muse....and I get to spend this weekend with him, and the time just wont speed up for me....

And your works...Ive always been a fan, always.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

you are very welcome..i really loved it..and I am hard to please ,ha ha
there was something so special ,and really interesting about it..lovely work..wish you all the luck

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Youre welcome sweetie...Ive always been a fan of your stuff...your writing is...I could get lost in the words...