Chucked the water out the windowpitter patter, splitter splatter, silence.the alphabet is dancing merrily, each letter raises a top hat and swings a s..
Evolutionary desensitizewill-less slaves do plague the earthlacklustre spirit of mortal manIndoctrinated from the birthOnce exposed the eyes turn blin..
No less than senseless to the sunblack brain, the barren cageThick black curtains cover allHold back an ancient plagueA metaphysical hell that deters ..
Defile the matter and corrupt the brainblack bloodied vengeance, warrants the insanecontaminated by the acrimony and sheltered by terrorThe blinded we..
I'm not inside my headI cannot reach withinleft alone to wander herecaged in bone and skinto find yourself reflectedin an empty gazewhere the body is ..