AbsintheandBlood : Writing

 Facing the Facts

Facing the Facts

A Poem by AbsintheandBlood

These eyes Driven down ward Heavy with burden and visions of hopelessness These ears Filled with condescending voices ..
Abaddon’s Extinction

Abaddon’s Extinction

A Poem by AbsintheandBlood

“In the hearts of madmen, pain and corruption has no meaning The sounds of tortured souls is just irrelevant background screaming, “..
Should not have gone back to the moon

Should not have gone back to the moon

A Story by AbsintheandBlood

If you ask most people of a certain age, "Who was the first British person to go into space?


A Poem by AbsintheandBlood

Collisions redeem us Or throw us into the mouth Of the tempest Through the radio static Trans-dimensional speech A single voice..
Severed love

Severed love

A Poem by AbsintheandBlood

As I stare out at the visible silence I see you in the tall gleaming grass. You were mine before, lost in my past. With humoring rumors of pleasa..
"Deadly Desire"

"Deadly Desire"

A Story by AbsintheandBlood

"Deadly Desire" Jack stood there, his hand slightly shaking from the cold water that came pouring from the hose on the side of the house. Shuttin..


A Poem by AbsintheandBlood

And for those he hates, For those she scorns, He takes to the thorns! Drawing on their lives! As a Warlock I say, As a Witch I might be, That ..