Abraxasbird : Writing



A Poem by Abraxasbird

burned images of past tense remitancesI recall looking at the world in opulencethinking it could never be this grand againbut of course the world itse..
Something happened last night at Love Long Beach

Something happened last night at Love Long Beach

A Poem by Abraxasbird

Where I was and where i wanted to be,were not one and the sameWho I was and who I am..could not have changed.. moreAll of the little insecurities i've..
The Aether

The Aether

A Poem by Abraxasbird

"..with a twist, a kiss, and alas said goodbye"
Falling Leaves

Falling Leaves

A Poem by Abraxasbird

Golden brown, Autumn leaves that fall nimbly in Autumn's breeze


A Poem by Abraxasbird

Even Stars, the overseers of life, must leave us be
Maverick and Oxygen

Maverick and Oxygen

A Poem by Abraxasbird

A wall of emotions crashing down and straining the essence of life
Usurp the Past

Usurp the Past

A Poem by Abraxasbird

A world must first be destroyed, for another to be born
Another life

Another life

A Poem by Abraxasbird

Vast distances, blurred by the multitude of lights, over the distant timescapes are two soul
One fine day

One fine day

A Poem by Abraxasbird

"Volumes that would make a second flitter aloof So grand they would condense the whole of a human experience"
Ebb Tides

Ebb Tides

A Poem by Abraxasbird

An ebb and flow only to ebb once more

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