Terrance : Writing

Gods of Babylon

Gods of Babylon

A Poem by Terrance

Something that I came up with while thinking deeply about certain things that I find fascinating to learn, decided to combine what I know and use a bi..


A Story by Terrance

just a short story
Insidious Mortem

Insidious Mortem

A Poem by Terrance

I have not written anything in 5 months and this is what I thought of at 5 in the morning. Feelings and ideas that been inside of me recently and for ..
Antiquated Blindness

Antiquated Blindness

A Poem by Terrance

My demons are hunting me... I promise you i'm not crazy.


A Poem by Terrance

Dedication to a speical someone
Memories of Time

Memories of Time

A Poem by Terrance

Just thinking of lost times.
Imperium Del Alpha

Imperium Del Alpha

A Story by Terrance

A story of a girl who live in a dream world that she calls her own, a world where she isn't afraid to be what she can be and how she feels and thinks...
Reaching out

Reaching out

A Poem by Terrance

A short poem I made.


A Poem by Terrance

it was almost 5am when I wrote this, I felt like I had to write something, because it's the only voice that can be loud enough for now. I'm just being..
Shapeless Dreams

Shapeless Dreams

A Poem by Terrance

With the election going on, I've seen people do so horrible things and it makes think back on a few things that's been on my mind, and the events that..