Harry runs a restaurant-bar in Istanbul by day and is the masked vigilante Nightwing by night, dealing with both dockside bullies and political scound..
As the world became more commercial, witch-hunters arise to confront the legion of Satanic witches who subvert/pervert sensibilities regarding the san..
As modern civilization designs a complex labyrinth of online photo-sharing, a pirate company called Photek lures women (Eve) into the 'Inferno' of hal..
An attractive young woman named Evina becomes a radical Wiccan/witch and opts to use Ouija to make contact with the Devil and entreat him for sexual p..
The cryptic figure known as the 'Headless Horseman' is seen in the forests of the Pine Barrens in New Jersey, prompting a detective named Clark to inv..
Ashley wanders carelessly into an eerie mansion oddly located near the woods and encounters a terrifying chainsaw-wielding masked psycho named Leather..
A Catholic priest named Thomas realizes he's being bullied by goons of the Gotham City crime-gang Black Mask and contemplates becoming a Satanic punis..
The Gotham City masked vigilante Batman tackles a nefarious crime syndicate while consulting with his more controversial friend, the more radical vigi..