A wandering knight named Alas finds a ruthless war-torn land in which women are treated as plunder, witches, and slaves by men who see them as trophie..
A prince in Denmark named Ethan is soul-weary from war when he meets a sensitive and intelligent young woman named Esha who inspires him to think deep..
An eerie but attractive American woman named Shelbye lives in the forest as a sorceress and creates spells and incantations about the End of Time, but..
A ghost of a beautiful Victorian-era woman (blonde!) is haunting the Royal India Train and causing passengers to frantically make drawings of her hypn..
Poison Ivy, formerly botanist Dr. Pamela Isely, threatens to destroy the new Gotham City Ecology Museum (an 'insult' to the realism behind eco-polluti..
An affable recent American college graduate named Steven picks up a hitchhiker while driving cross-country and finds out the stranger is something of ..
After the cessation of World War III, the surviving nations build a conglomerate and elect a handful of political inventors called 'The Speculators' w..
Jack Hall was a promising FBI detective who always carried a jack-of-hearts playing-card in his pocket, which he said symbolized luck and optimism in ..
This is a Batman (DC Comics) fan-fic about the urban criminally-insane terrorist/anarchist Harley Quinn (a female psychologist turned hellraiser), ren..
Two super-beings from another galaxy, Cyclonus (a wolfish first-knight robot) and Magneto (an attractive humanoid mutant who controls magnetism), visi..
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