Abishai100 : Writing

Halloween Witch: The Annual Nightmare

Halloween Witch: The Annual Nightmare

A Story by Abishai100

Hazel is an insidious but attractive witch living in the forests of the Pine Barrens in New Jersey and engages in an annual 5-year practice of kidnapp..
The Minor Law: Satan's Diction.

The Minor Law: Satan's Diction.

A Story by Abishai100

The Devil accuses man of nepotism, prompting a trial.
Alucard: Vampire-Knight of Iran

Alucard: Vampire-Knight of Iran

A Story by Abishai100

Alucard is a mercenary vampire-knight tackling a new super-terrorist scheme in Iran involving the renunciation of all cathedrals, compelling the 'anti..
Annabelle: The Killing Doll

Annabelle: The Killing Doll

A Story by Abishai100

A young girl purchases an eerie looking female doll with glowing red eyes named Annabelle and discovers the evil doll is alive and uses telepathy to d..
Red Comics: The Inferno

Red Comics: The Inferno

A Story by Abishai100

Alastair is a priest who dreams he's wandering around a 21st Century urban Inferno (conceived by Satan) involving the complete disarray of basic spiri..
Lady Jaye: The Haxan Warrior

Lady Jaye: The Haxan Warrior

A Story by Abishai100

This is a graphic G.I. Joe (Marvel/Hasbro) fan-fic about the patriotic American female soldier Lady Jaye enduring incredible struggles to emerge as a ..
The Minstrel of Argentina

The Minstrel of Argentina

A Story by Abishai100

An eccentric flute-playing minstrel in Argentina named Pablo decides he's a 'witness' of the panoply of life around him, but those who meet him oddly ..
Sheol: The Messengers of the Eerie

Sheol: The Messengers of the Eerie

A Story by Abishai100

A Catholic priest has a dream in which he imagines he's traveling through a mysterious region of pure eeriness called Sheol, where messengers and repr..
Cyclonus: First Knight Saga (First Part)

Cyclonus: First Knight Saga (First Part)

A Story by Abishai100

Cyclonus is a wolfish first-knight robot on an A.I. planet called Cybertron and is involved in geopolitical intrigue involving a war between two group..
Tara's Wager: The Devil's Datebook

Tara's Wager: The Devil's Datebook

A Story by Abishai100

Tara is a beautiful young librarian at Harvard University who begins to explore Satanism and the Occult and purchases a Ouija-board to 'invite' the co..