Abishai100 : Writing



A Story by Abishai100

Two superheroes seek to lift and protect royal treasures stored secretly in a special D.C. bank before anti-Western terrorists are able to extract the..
London Bank (LB): The Polaroid Pinch

London Bank (LB): The Polaroid Pinch

A Story by Abishai100

A very clever bank robber creates a strange triangle of confusion during his heist of London Bank and unwittingly creates Coronavirus-time doughnuts.
Shiva/Saraswati: Bank-Robbery!

Shiva/Saraswati: Bank-Robbery!

A Story by Abishai100

The Hindu deities Shiva and Saraswati plan a folk-tale inspiring diamond-heist of an American bank during the Coronavirus tribulation to remind Americ..


A Story by Abishai100

A bored stewardess teams with a traveling gambler to rob European banks and is tracked eventually by Interpol.
Shiva/Saraswati: Coronavirus Christmas

Shiva/Saraswati: Coronavirus Christmas

A Story by Abishai100

The two deities judge Christmas trees in an iconic American town during the 2020 Coronavirus quarantine tribulation!
Boston: Bank-Robbery!

Boston: Bank-Robbery!

A Story by Abishai100

Narrator relates his thrilling robbery of a special bank in Boston, a city he seems to really worship.


A Story by Abishai100

Isaac draws away the two gals of the Mexican druglord Diego Nash with a diamond-heist from his mansion, hoping for real dials.
Ermac/Kitana: Part II

Ermac/Kitana: Part II

A Story by Abishai100

Ermac the warlock and Kitana the warrior-princess once again engage in bright meetings and this time there's a prince and the dancing maid he's lovin..
Red Hood Gotham: Bank Robbery & Press

Red Hood Gotham: Bank Robbery & Press

A Story by Abishai100

The Gotham Gazette reports on the developing thrilling and nervous robberies of the daring Red Hood Gang in California.
Mask: Coronavirus Bank Robbery

Mask: Coronavirus Bank Robbery

A Story by Abishai100

An eccentric robber in London during the great Coronavirus tribulation performs a heist involving a royal in the UK, sending waves about neo-dials.