Abishai100 : Writing



A Story by Abishai100

An unusual California cop named Cobra's assigned to protect a gorgeous Hustler model named Pamela who's stalked by a venomous dirty group called Night..
Deadpool: XXX (Brothers)

Deadpool: XXX (Brothers)

A Story by Abishai100

Twins become vigilantes and dabble in the world of piracy, blood diamonds, sex, and Christian aspirations.
Thief & Bad-Eyes

Thief & Bad-Eyes

A Story by Abishai100

A strange street-thief seeks to transform his life but the winds of fate may offer him a dark obstacle simply unbreakable.
Thanksgiving Fable (Horror)

Thanksgiving Fable (Horror)

A Story by Abishai100

An unusual mystical intersection during Thanksgiving in America in 2020 breeds a strange crime-story involving a pair of masked maniacs.
The Texas Chainsaw Robbery*

The Texas Chainsaw Robbery*

A Story by Abishai100

A wily thief seeks to steal gold from a Dallas bank during an anticipated NFL game in 2020 in a time when the iconic city is plagued by fears of a man..
Batman/Batgirl: Scarecrow

Batman/Batgirl: Scarecrow

A Story by Abishai100

The heroic crusaders in Chicago, Batman and Batgirl, must deal with a real dark-man in their dark city, a messenger of deep criminal insanity!
The Thief King of Daughters

The Thief King of Daughters

A Story by Abishai100

Isaac is a master-thief whose lovely daughters inspire him to become a man of letters...and dyes.
Boston Bank Robbery

Boston Bank Robbery

A Story by Abishai100

Two wily robbers plan a diamond heist at an immaculate Boston bank using some performative theatrics!
Robotech (Fan-Fiction)

Robotech (Fan-Fiction)

A Story by Abishai100

Max is a computer wiz who's transported to a faraway space-adventure realm called Robotech, where a monarch named Sterling rules over pilots and comba..
Smoke v SubZero

Smoke v SubZero

A Story by Abishai100

The Outworld warriors Smoke and SubZero debate and engage on the vital nature of modern capitalism-dreamcatchers.

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