Abishai100 : Writing

Double-Impact Figments

Double-Impact Figments

A Story by Abishai100

An American Homeland sports (football) writer explores a double-career choice/fanfare 'image' for the cleats of sportsmanship class.
Singing Detector {Physic}

Singing Detector {Physic}

A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of a man with newfound telepathy who aids an officer to prevent crimes pre-happening in this (fictional) account, for Earth's box.
A Munich Affair {Workouts}

A Munich Affair {Workouts}

A Story by Abishai100

A sports-philosophy writer is challenged by the Devil in an Olympics-tragedy suit concerning complexity in negotiation's change.
Bias of Earth: Euro-Dialysis

Bias of Earth: Euro-Dialysis

A Story by Abishai100

Springer (Transformer-Autobot) of Cybertron becomes an Earthling-prince examination dude of fortune's thorax.
Skill/IRA: Retirement-Deed

Skill/IRA: Retirement-Deed

A Story by Abishai100

Yarn of a 'defined' Earthling thermal; eco-capitalism wands/intelligence for Western banks for that hand-axes 'image' of wrought football/degree.
Beast of Them

Beast of Them

A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of the Marvel (comics) mutant-hero thinker (Beast) whose patriot-contemplations leads him to Professor X's institute, for Earth's largeness.
Philadelphia's Quiche

Philadelphia's Quiche

A Story by Abishai100

Can the adversary of Eden (paradise) find Rationalism in the cleats of an Earth-prince linking town-fan sports IQ for thermal-dowry?
Ocean Exile: Declaratives {Alien}

Ocean Exile: Declaratives {Alien}

A Story by Abishai100

Possible discovery of dragon-aliens in the ocean-abyss signals an Earthling quartile-of-philosophy.
Scorponok: Cybertron/Visit/Font

Scorponok: Cybertron/Visit/Font

A Story by Abishai100

Halloween gift-givers encounter the real-visage/consciousness manifestation of a robot-toy they circulate for a harvest-thesis.
Robotech/Alien: Doubt

Robotech/Alien: Doubt

A Story by Abishai100

Robotech forces contend with Xeno-aliens in a universe-drama unfolding an expression of colored thought.