A California high-school nerd who is bullied by his parents and friends vows revenge with a series of stencil-art graphics of comic book characters he..
The Miami Dolphins (NFL) cheerleaders decide to form a fashion-union with cheerleaders from all teams to direct for themselves what their uniforms sho..
A man journeys to the underworld and sees the ominous River Styx in which souls are drowning in panic and is compelled to think about the salvation fo..
The iconic female rock band Jem and the Holograms are haunted by the insidious sociopath Delmer at a special charity opera, in which Delmer becomes a ..
A wandering man named Alas has zany adventures and ends up considering taking care of his parted American daughter Kateland amidst an otherwise sea of..
An aspiring high-school student who wants to be admitted into Harvard anxiously awaits his important AP Calculus exam, and when he discovers it's not ..
A strange Romanian wanderer named the Piper creates a Lyceum for orphaned/homeless children and female prostitutes in Chicago (USA), prompting authori..
A radical Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan begins chatting with a Hollywood actress online and discovers she may be the right 'Lady in Red' he can us..