An idealistic ex-CIA agent infiltrates Chechnya and Belfast to catalyze radical changes in malformed regimes and perhaps realize his destiny of becomi..
The patriotic 'super-soldier' Captain America deals with the complexity of fighting terrorism when his incredible bulletproof shield accidentally beco..
Livewire (Leslie Willis) intends to draw Batman into a terrible power-station battle in Gotham City on Devil's Night, creating anarchy with electrical..
Psychic Tina goes to Crystal Lake to be evaluated for her apparent psychic gifts and may have to encounter the haunting zombie Jason who lurks in the ..
The Weyland space-exploration crew may have to use incredible resourcefulness to fend off a potential attack by menacing aliens who've possibly set-up..
Red Hood (Jason Todd) decides to become a more radical vigilante in Gotham City, prompting his once-mentor, the more sane Batman, to account for his d..