Abishai100 : Writing

Card Theory: Allele-Phalanx

Card Theory: Allele-Phalanx

A Story by Abishai100

Earthling sportsmanship qualities imagery for American football card-collecting iconography and the 'cleats' of (shared) Selfie-culture comforts of ch..
Jenna: Racine

Jenna: Racine

A Poem by Abishai100

Man insists his self-delusion white auto machinery-car of hellmouth is a Stephen King story inspired demon-car for chandelier-phrased thinking.
Sinestro's Hostel

Sinestro's Hostel

A Story by Abishai100

Power-ring bearer (Sinestro) treks to Earth to create omen-circle with eco-advocates of North America, a couple, for presence of water-thought.
Alien: Chalking

Alien: Chalking

A Story by Abishai100

The 3rd (final?) mission of a pre-visions contact with a 'dragon' (alien) for Weyland yields Martian shells, in this "Alien" sci-fi/horror fanfiction.
Visitors Cheer

Visitors Cheer

A Story by Abishai100

War-IQ robots of opposing sides of an A.I. machinery planet fence find lines-of-charge for inquiry of Earthling social media in a dad-daughter thinkin..
American Football: Qualified Thorax

American Football: Qualified Thorax

A Story by Abishai100

Cowriters of Homeland football seek a NY-resurrection 'adjective' for cleats-of-superstition in a '24 season full-of-distances.
Moon's Downs

Moon's Downs

A Story by Abishai100

A resend for media laurel following leakage/intrigue concerning Apollo-18 yields an expression of dark thesauruses, in a (fictional) 'sport' account o..
Let Carnage See

Let Carnage See

A Story by Abishai100

A journal-writer in the Homeland makes for adjective-view for the general charge-procession of an alien-mutated 'specter' named Kletus.


A Story by Abishai100

Sydney Sheldon media inspired short about inventions in fortune-chaos for intelligence, survival, escape, and bound license for joy.
Sapphire/Sinestro: Any Think-Tank

Sapphire/Sinestro: Any Think-Tank

A Story by Abishai100

Grand image-presentation of a time-capsule telling of a systems-contest between a totalitarian Sinestro and a rebel-pilot concerning alien-lady Raptur..